This Celestial Virgin was feigned to be a mother. She is represented in the Indian Zodiac of Sr. William {short description of image}Jones, with ears of corn in one hand, and the lotus in the other. In Kircher's Zodiac of Hermes, she has corn in both hands. In other planispheres of the Egyptian priests she, carries ears of corn in one hand, and the infant Savior Horus in the other (Isis and Horus). In Roman Catholic countries, she is generally represented {short description of image}with the child in one hand, and the lotus or lily in the other. In Vol. II. of Montfaucon's work, she is represented as a female nursing a child, with ears of corn in her hand, and the legend IAO. We find "these" stories captured in stone as nation after nation has this same Sun Myth revealed in their architecture. She is seated on clouds, a star is at her head. The reading of the Greek letters, from right to left, show this to be very ancient.

The Virgin of Guadalupe is one of the most revered figures in Mexican Catholicism. Her story in Mexico begins with her miraculous appearance to Juan Diego (Cuauhtlatohuac), a young Aztec man, on December 9, 1531. He was on his way to receive Christian instruction from the Fransciscans at Tlatelolco when he heard heavenly music and a sweet voice calling his name. He saw the Virgin, on this rocky Tepeyac Hilll above Mexico City. It was her wish that the Bishop build her shrine on that spot. This same place was also the site of the shrine to the Aztec goddess of Earth and Corn.

Without a doubt you can see how in Christianity the same concept has been carried over from Sun Worship {short description of image}into the Catholic Christian Church. Again, we have proof positive of the paganization of Christianity where current doctrines are nothing more than the "recopying" of Sun Worship. This applies as well to the teaching of the Christian Church as to the immaculate conception.