Bet Emet stands for "truth" as the name implies; House of Truth. Such truth has been dug out of man-made traditions and anti-Semitic teachings held sacred by millions for almost 2 millennia. What I am going to do next is somewhat dangerous but I want you warn you ahead of time. I am going to make an assumption that I know is totally false for the purpose of teaching another truth which will shed even more light upon the truths of atonement.


Let us assume that the traditional Christian teaching about Jesus' death being a sacrifice for atonement was true. So we approach what is said next with the erroneous assumption that that Jesus' death was for our sin. Now lets proceed.


Answer for yourself: As a Christian, being told your whole life that Jesus' death was an atonement for your sin, then is this "atonement" as seen in his sacrifice (a type and shadow of sin offerings) an atonement for all kinds of sin?

Honestly, the answer is “NO” not all sin, because in the sacrifice of lambs, on Yom Kippur for instance, they only atoned for sins of the First Tablet of the Law and not the Second Tablet of the Law.

This is very important to recognize especially when one makes parallels to Jesus as a "type and shadow" of Old Testament truths regarding atonement. And few Christians have ever studied enough to know this....but the Jews did!

You can be a Christian you whole life and go to church your whole life and NEVER know that even when sacrifices were brought to the Temple that they not only ONLY atoned for unintentional sins....but also ONLY atoned for the sins of the First Tablet of the Law and not for ANY sins committed which were violations of the Second Tablet of the Law!

Answer for yourself: Even if Jesus' death was an atonement for sin, then if being truthful to the rule of "types and shadows" how is it possible that his death and shed blood atoned as the "Lamb of God" for sins that never were atoned for by any animal sacrifice?


Knowing this, that Jesus is type and shadow of the Suffering Servant of God, instead of a representative of the "many" "Suffering Servants" of Israel as he really was, then you can see how a false security in focusing on the blood could, and does lead, others to think light of sin and compromise with sin much more than they should (not knowing that such sins of the Second Tablet of the Law are not handled by the sacrifices for atonement).

Answer for yourself: What? Is this news to you? Did your pastor ever tell you this? Mine never did!

Answer for yourself: Then how are we to get atonement for such things we do when we sin if sacrifices NEVER covered it before?

Answer for yourself: Did God give us a "way" for atonement for such sins and because as Christians and followers of Jesus in Christianity he we failed to understand the sacrificial system correctly and miss this important message?

Such knowledge comes only if you study the Sacrificial process in detail. If Christians trusting the blood for “everything” only knew that the atonement provided by the Suffering Servant Israel (as typified in Jesus) atoned only for the First Tablet of the Law they would most likely think twice before sinning, thus understanding they are not “under the blood” for all things, that their moral responsibility and fear of God is a requirement in being co-laborers with God in their own salvation. Now you should better understand the passage which says “work out YOUR salvation with fear and trembling

If we truly understand the Sacrificial system, and you should now if you have been reading these articles, then you know that Jesus, and the Suffering Servant of God (Israel) did not die for atonement for ALL SINS! Without this knowledge of sins atoned only for the First Tablet of the Law (sins between man toward God) we will not have a strong enough deterrent to avoid sinning sins involved in the Second Tablet of the Law…sins between man and man. Thus, understanding the Sacrificial system and the dynamics involved, the more correct interpretation would be “Christ died because of sins.” And in this death of Yeshua as a paradigm of all of Israel [Suffering Servant] was efficacy for sins of the First Tablet of the Law ONLY and not the Second Tablet of the Law. The Second Tablet of the Law is atoned for by your repentance, confession, prayer, restitution, alms, etc., as Isaiah and other Prophets teach in the Hebrew Scriptures where were later altered by the Alexandrian Essenes and later Romans to exclude such concepts from the Hebrew Scriptures when translated into the Greek and Latin!

Let us not forget that Israel is a Holy Nation and a Royal Priesthood. A Priest's function is to make intercession for another and aid in another's reconciliation. As you saw earlier that prayer was one of the several forms of atonement, then this should renew your appreciation for the Jewish people who, on Yom Kippur, stand in the gap for the world in their prayer services. They literally, as Priests to YHVH, pray for the world and their sins that God would be merciful and forgive their sin. This is such a Holy thing which is not understood by Christians let alone Christian missionaries who are fixated on converting every Jew to Christianity?

Answer for yourself: If such a demonic and diabolical plan was ever to succeed, God forbid, then who would stand in the gap for the world on Yom Kippur.....Baptists, Catholics, Charismatics? Christianity does not ever recognize or observe the commanded Holy Days in the Bible.


So many might have read this article so far and say…”so what…I don't break the commands of the Second Tablet of the Law?”

Not so fast now.

Christians, because of their perverse theology, break them at will, and what is so devious, is that they do it without ever knowing. My purpose is not to offend anyone, but if I could be honest with you and God for a moment I want you to grasp this next sentence. When I graduated from Seminary I had learned a lot, but most was religious propaganda to support a particular denominational position. It was only after years of intense study following Seminary did I come to the knowledge of the truth that I had hoped to find there but didn't. And if I can say that then what is the the level of understanding of the typical pew setter in the Churches who never reads books or studies his own faith in-depth?

If you were aware of what is contained in the Second Tablet of the Law you would be overwhelmed and I would hope, once realizing the magnitude of such violations of God's will by the typical Christian following "Christian doctrine" then your tears would run like rivers and your conduct change.


This is a commandment between man and man, as the Bible commands that the tithe be used for certain things only. These "things" were always "people" in one way or another, for only if the giving of one's finances was to God and Godly pursuits would the Kingdom of Heaven be manifested on earth as it is in Heaven. God does not need our money; other do. For example the Tithe is commanded every 2 our of 6 years to be given wholly to the poor, the lame, blind, sick, infirm, widows, orphans, etc. Only is these needy people, make in the image of God, receive your blessings and care will they experience the love of God the way He intended. God intended their need be met; not miraculously from heaven, but by you!

Two years out of six you were commanded by God to "keep" your tithe and use in for "whatever your soul lusted after." Now, understand this was to be in a Godly pursuit. For example the celebration of the Sabbaths and the Seven Biblical Festivals. Also, you were commanded to share it with the poor as they again might experience in "earnest" the Kingdom of Heaven God had prepared for them. Notice it was you again who were to give to these people.

Lastly, two years out of six you were to give your tithe, and I paraphrase, to the choir, the janitors, and the levities. The levities basically are the choir. They also taught the people. They were NOT preachers but teachers. Notice also this is one of the gifts to the body as Paul states. Conspicuously absent from such a list of gifts is a "preacher." Understand if I am a good teacher, then you the student, become the proclaimer or the "preacher." That is how God intended it to work.

Now, the vast, vast majority of Christian Churches do not allocate their funds in the above manner as taught by the Holy Scriptures. Ask for our teachings on the Tithe and you can quickly see in detail of what I speak. This means that no matter how much you give to your church, if your spiritual authorities do not obey the Commandments of giving and appropriate your monies in areas not sanctioned by God in His Word then they have robbed from God not matter what Scriptures they read when they take up the offering. And you become an accomplice to stealing from God as you are accountable for His Word whether you know His Word or not. You will be judged by it.

Now as you can see, you can give to your Christian Church all day long and "feel" good about it, but you violate the Commands of God in doing so. Now understand you violate God Commandments of giving by so trusting your Church with your money.

Answer for yourself: If you have believed in Jesus' death for your sin, as if such "death" and "shed blood" does not and never did atone for violations of the Second Tablet of the Law....then you do realize you die in your sin and never know until you see God face to face?

Answer for yourself: You really have two problems. You didn't know well enough the Commandments about tithing to even questions what your Church is doing and you did not know well enough the Sacrificial System to know that some sins are never covered by it. Then do you realize that your erroneous understandings of such things as caused you to ignorantly continue to rob God and assure your rebuke when you meet up with Him since the work of Jesus you have been taught to "trust" in never applied in the first place?

Answer for yourself: Do you grasp the horrible consequences of such ignorance of the truths of God's Word and the sure fate that awaits you because Christianity has not studied hard enough to see the truth since blinded by anti-Semitism of the Church Fathers since the 2nd century?

Well if you tithe according to the manner of most Christian Churches today you not only rob from God but from those created in His image as well. If you continue to give to churches which don't obey the Laws and Commandments concerning tithing you are a partaker of their sins and there is no atonement for that sin for you when you die unless your repent now of such behavior! Sadly few Christians know what the Jewish Scriptures command regarding “how to tithe”. Giving your tithe to the Christian Church where the elders fail to appropriate the correct percentages into the designated areas commanded by the Torah guarantees you that your rob God! While pastoring in Dallas as a Staff Pastor on staff of a mega church, the last two years I could no longer tithe to the church where I Pastored having learned the truth about the tithe. Contention was an understatement but when truth comes error must leave

Repentance toward that sin, a new obedience, a new conduct, and confession of that sin is our only methods of atonement and if not done, will ensure we enter into the World to Come with sins in those areas where atonement has not been proved.


You have see that it a life, you life, that makes atonement for sin. Such repentance, confession, prayer, and new obedient conduct is the only reassurance that at-that-moment you are right with God. Being so, and having done so, then you have the right to be on the altar of God and you are your heart. You need not bring an animal sacrifice for you and your life are already one! The animal, if you remember, was only a physical demonstration of the atonement you already have acquired by your actions. Such is the mercy of God to reveal to us, His people, how we can cleans ourselves.

The Gentile Christian Church, over the centuries, has stolen such truths from you and corrupted the truth and recorded it in their anti-Semitic document...the New Testament

There is no atonement for the sins of the Second Tablet of the Law unless you make it for yourself!

You now understand our lives, or our “souls”, will be devoted to error instead of truth and our lives will not provide atonement unless we repent. But one must know the truth in order to repent or else he never knows he is wrong. That is why study is so important. This is only one small example.

After years of dedicated intense study I found that worshipping according to Christian teachings often is sin as the vast majority of Christianity today has changed the Sabbath as well as made obsolete the Holy Days and Festivals of God and there are commandments regarding Gentile believers keeping them. Remember your poor tithe goes to these observances as well.

You might not be a murderer with a gun, but our word “kill” is equated by the Rabbis to mean gossip, slander, blasphemy, as well as the failure to take care of the poor, widows, and the orphans. The Rabbis group this with murder which again is sin of the Second Tablet of the Law.

Answer four yourself: Can you see how involved this can get and how important for the Christian who loves God to know and make adjustments with his life while he can?


In discussion of these aspects of the Sacrificial system, we must never forget that we are called to accept the “faith of Jesus” and not just have “faith in Jesus.” In these articles I have presented the faith of Yeshua in light to his views on atonement. Yeshua believed the Tanakh (Law, Prophets, Writings). If we are to approximate holiness by living Christ-like that means we have to have a new understanding of how we are to live and we must become familiar with the Laws of God which regulate man’s conduct in life. Only then will our lives, lived in conformity to the Laws of God, result in atonement. At your death you will appreciate the atonement your life procured through your obedience and repentance when shown your lives and conduct are in error. Such Laws, statutes, and ordinances reveal to us, in 248 positive commandments, what God is and does, and in 365 negative commandments what God is not and what He does not do. Only in incorporating them into our lives can be assured that what we do and believe is correct. Only then can our lives [souls] be an atonement. Failure to measure our conduct as compared with these commandments only assures we live by our own understanding, and that cannot be trusted for our hearts, according to Jeremiah are desperately wicked and we cannot know them for sure. Having this knowledge, the rest is up to you. Shalom.