Over the years I have at times written what I and many others have considered to be critical articles that brought their readers to crossroad decisions in their lives once knowledge was made available to them. These articles are possibly the most important ones I have ever written.

This paragraph as I write it is one of the most important statements I have ever made. On the surface it seems so simple but I assure you that the dynamics involved in its contemplation are explosive. I ask that you give serious attention and thought to what I will say and share with you in these articles. It has the ability to change your life and deliver you from the most darkest and vilest idolatry of which most of your are not yet aware.

In these articles I will disclose the substantial identity of Gentile Christianity as known and practiced today with the most popular and widespread "Pagan" religion of all time, Sun worship. You may be more familiar with such sun-worship by the term "Mithraism" or "Zoroastrianism." You might not be aware, and I find that the vast majority of Christians are not, but Mithraism was the closest and all but successful rival of Christianity in the Roman world, and which might indeed have been successful, but that, soon after Constantine prostituted the Empire to the Church,—"with the triumph of Christianity Mithraism came to a sudden end. The laws of Theodosius signed its death warrant." (Catholic Encyclopedia. x, 402.) That there may be no suspicion that the recital of these remarkable identities of Christian "revelation" with Pagan inventions is fanciful or exaggerated, the tale shall be told in the quoted words of the famousCatholic Encyclopedia, which naively makes so many extraordinary admissions without seeming to be aware of their fatal implications.


"The essence of Revelation lies in the fact that it is the direct speech of God to man," says the Holy Ghost speaking through the Vatican 18 (1870). Now for a simple truth that I believe every reader can accept. I want you to read the following statement several times. Let it sink in. Understand the depth of what is being said and implied for if you cannot agree with the following statement then there is no reason to continue the articles or the web pages.

“When Pagan myths already current and long known to everyone for hundreds and thousands of years can be later found to be foundational to many dogmas and doctrines held sacred in Christianity because they are held and believed to be unique revelations from God, then Divine revelation and inspiration cannot be appealed to for the origin of the Christian Faith and its teaching and such incriminating evidence must bring serious doubt to such doctrines and dogmas within Christianity as stemming from God… sadly these once held "sacred" doctrines must now understood as pagan copies.”


"Revelation may be defined as the communication of some truth by God to a rational creature through means which are beyond the ordinary course of nature. The truths thus revealed may be such as are otherwise inaccessible to the human mind—mysteries, which even when revealed, the intellect of man is incapable of fully penetrating”. That is a pretty good definition of the process in my opinion.

Now it has also been said in the Decree 'Lamentabili' (3 July, 1907) by the Catholic Church: "that the dogmas which the Christian Church proposes as revealed are 'truths which have come down to us from heaven' and not 'an interpretation of religious facts which the human mind has acquired by its own strenuous efforts'" ( Vatican Decrees, 1870; Catholic Encyclopedia, xiii, 1.) And, asserts the same Catholic Encyclopedia: "The existence of revelation (as in the New Testament) is as reasonably established as any historical fact"! (C.E. xiii, 607.)

These above statements are the most incredible lies ever uttered in the history of mankind. And I will quickly prove them so.

Lets get back to truth, shall we. "Divine Revelation is thus of things not previously known and which the revelationless mind of man is incapable of acquiring or inventing by its own efforts." Now I accept this statement as true for it is reasonable and makes sense. Divine Revelation rests thus upon the same principle as the Law of Patents and Copyright. A book published, that is made known and given to the world cannot be the subject of subsequent copyright even by its author. When an application for a patent is presented, the first act is to search the records to ascertain whether a similar art or article (truth) has ever previously been known and in use: if so, no patent can be obtained: the thing lacks novelty. I think you should agree with this.

The exact same principle applies to “revelation”. So exactly with "revelation": if some impostor or deluded person (e.g. Mohammed or Joseph Smith) claims that he has received a personal—and therefore necessarily private—"revelation" from some god, the only way whereby he can get a valid patent of authenticity and credibility for his "revelation," is to prove that its subject-matter has never before been known and in credulous circulation; the moment that from the search of the records—of other, or comparative religions,—it is shown that the same proposition has been previously known and current, in use and practice among some other priestcraft and its devotees—the thing is no revelation at all: the claim is a fraud!!!


Let us see how this indisputable rule works when applied to Gentile Christianity. In doing so we will either prove beyond any doubt that the Christian Faith is Divine unique revelation to mankind and worthy of trust and faith for the world to come or else is but the reiteration of prior pagan beliefs and is not to be trusted for truth or preparation for the world to come. The answer to such inquiry will either prove Christianity uniquely Divine and God breathed as is attested for it; or expose it as anything but Divine but rather pagan whereby then you would be better served to return to the faith once given the Saints; Biblical Judaism where the Gentile believer, as a Godfearer, has a place both within Biblical Judaism and the Israel of God and not apart from it. Let us see what we can find, shall we?